Level : 6
Accreditation status : Accredited
Credit Equivalency : 120
Total Qualification Time (TQT): 1200 Hrs
GHL: 600 Hrs
An Ofqual Regulated Qualification
All units are 20 or 40 credits in value. These units have been designed from a learning time perspective, and are expressed in terms of Total Qualification Time (TQT). TQT is an estimate of the total amount of time that could reasonably be expected to be required for a student to achieve and demonstrate the achievement of the level of attainment necessary for the award of a Qualification. TQT includes undertaking each of the activities of Guided Learning, Directed Learning and Invigilated Assessment. Each 20-credit unit approximates to a TQT of 200 hours incorporating 100 hours of GLH and the 40-credit unit has a TQT of 400 hours incorporating 200 GLH.

Course Overview
The Qualification has been created to develop and reward the business health and social care workers of today and the future, and to continue to bring recognition and professionalism to the health and social care sector. The rationale of the programmes is to provide a career path for learners who wish to develop their management and care capabilities within the health and social care sector.

Management Control
Management of Sales force
Strategic Marketing Management
Business Law
Research Project including Research Methods
Learning Outcomes
The ability to read and use appropriate literature with a full and critical understanding the ability to think independently and solve problems
Applying subject knowledge and understanding to address familiar and unfamiliar problems
Recognising the moral and ethical issues of business practice and research; appreciating the need for ethical standards and professional codes of conduct
An appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature of business service provision
Capacity to give a clear and accurate account of a subject, in a mature way and engage in debate and dialogue both with specialists and non-specialists.
To develop transferable skills and knowledge that will enable individuals to meet changes in business
To motivate individuals to progress to further professional development through future study or as part of their chosen career.
Entry Requirements
Learners who possess Qualifications at Level 5 and/or;
Learners who have work experience in the business sector and demonstrate ambition with clear career goals;